Free LibreOffice Outline Template: Grab One Here

After dorking around for better than an hour, trying to get this thing done, I decided to make a free LibreOffice outline template available for anyone that wants it.

February 17, 2018

I’m trying to help write Apache OFBiz documentation, and in the process needed to set up an outline in LibreOffice. I could be thick-headed, but this took me a while to figure out. I’m hoping that I can save someone the pain and just give them a document they can edit. I’ve create a free LifreOffice outline template, and you can grab it here!

The Basic Template

You might have to dork around with indents and whatnot, but this LibreOffice outline template ought to be ready to go right out of the box. And because I’ve laid out a fairly deep tree, you should be able to make new branches pretty easily.

I’ve set it up the same way I remember doing outlines in high school, like this:

  1. Roman Numeral I
  2. Roman Numeral II
    1. Uppercase Letter A
    2. Uppercase Letter B
      1. Number 1
      2. Number 2
        1. lowercase a
        2. lowercase b
      3. Number 3
    3. Uppercase Letter C
  3. Roman Numeral III
    1. Uppercase Letter A
    2. Uppercase Letter B
      1. Number 1
      2. Number 2
        1. lowercase a
        2. lowercase b
      3. Number 3
  4. Roman Numeral IV

Did This Free LibreOffice Outline Template Help?

Let me know if you’ve found this at all helpful, or if you’ve got a question about it. I’ve got a blank one saved on my end, and will just copy what I’ve got into whatever document I’m working on that needs an outline.

And if you’ve got a better free LibreOffice outline template you care to share, I’m all ears.


Addendum – 2/28/18
This is genius…

I’ve wondered for a long time how do to this. I’m in an outline at, say, I -> B -> 3. If I hit enter, I’m going to create a 4, but I want to create a C instead. How?

Well, it’s easy I found out today. Create the 4, but then hit Shift and Tab. Bam! Just so you know, I’m smiling, but I feel like an idiot for not knowing this…

One response to “Free LibreOffice Outline Template: Grab One Here”

  1. s. boggs says:

    MANY, MANY thanks for this. I’m working on an outline for my Board and this is SUPERB!

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