Instrument Kits

This isn’t really a post about open source software, like most of the others on the site, but I get a kick out of it.

April 9, 2018

In the spirit of "having the source code to work with," it kind of fits. These are some instrument kits my kids and I built last Christmas:

BYO Mahogany Jazz Bass Kit

BYO Mahogany Jazz Kit Close-up

Wise guy with a BYO Mahogany Jazz Kit


BYO Mahogany Tele Kit


Basswood Tele Kit

The Fretwire is an absolutely awesome company to work with, and I’d recommend anyone looking for an instrument kit start there. My *only* issue so far (and I’ve done more business with them since these kits) is that Sam hasn’t gotten an archtop kit yet with no pickup holes cut into it. He’s working on it, and has donated a couple of instruments (which I’m building and then handing over to) my local Girls Rock organization, so I’ll let it slide…

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